You gain consiousness, having no consept of time or of the events that occured before this moment.
[[Open Your Eyes]]You open your eyes and as your vison unblurrs you notice something strange.
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You seem to be in the lobby of a **police station**.
[[Try to rub your Eyes]] As you try reaching for your eyes you relize that you cannot move your arms.
They seem to be bound behind your back.
[[Wait]]You muster all of your strangth and attemp to break the cuffs that bind you...Failing to do so.
(Its almost like there designed to not break that easily)
As you attempt to do so however a police officer appears before you.
[[Look at Cop]]You patiently wait as one should do in this kind of situation. You have clearly been arrested for charges you have no recolection of. As you think to yourself a police officer appears before you.
[[Look at Cop]]A hulking and intemidating man stands before you, sending a shiver down the back of your spine
The police officer begins to speak...
[[Listen]]"Jason Macree, brought in for tresspassing on an active military base.You have a lot of explianing to do, start by telling me what the hell happened last night"
What should I do?
[[Tell him you can't remember]]
[[Give him hell]]
[[Act like an Idiot]]You calmly tell the police officer that you could not remember the events of what occured last night. After several more question which you answer to equally as calm the police officer simply lets you know,
"Look this is a major offince, but if you keep being cooperating this way then you have nothing to worry about. Please follow me to the cell."
(The Police Officer Uncuffs you)
[[Go to Cell]]You muster up all the balls you can in this situation, look the cop straight in the eye, and let him have it. Hell itself hasn't seen fury this intense before. But it doesnt stop there, you start screaming "rape" and the police officer is forced to throw you into a cell after uncuffing you from the chair.
[[Go to Cell]] Words cannot translate what just came out of your mouth.
It seems to be a mix between drunken babling and a monkey screeching.
But in any case the police officer forms a frightened appearense. Calling over to other officers they then procceed to uncuff you and forcabley take you to the **Drunk Tank**.
[[Go to the Drunk Tank]]The Cell door slams shut behind you as you are left in an empty room with nothing more than your thoughts and time.
[[Wait Patiently]]
[[Bang on the Cell Door]]As you are forcably thrown into this drunk tank you begin to relize that maybe that wasn't the best idea in the world.
Regardless, you are here now and...not alone.
There seems to be a man wearing nothing but a tshirt formed into some kind of diaper sitting at the corner of the room.
[[Talk to the Man]]
[[Wait Until the Cop comes back]]You wait, and wait, hang on? just more waiting.
It seems like forever since you've been left in this room, and and even longer time since you've been left alone for this long with nothing but your thoughts.
It makes you smaller luggsuries in life, like a cell phone or a good book.
*You suddenly hear the pannel on your door begin to slide open
[[sit up]]You bang on the cell door for as long and as hard as you can. After a few moments the pannel on the door slides open and the same cop from before looks through it.
He tells you to shut the hell up before hes forced to do something he doesn't want to.
[[Stop]]Thank God the officer from before broke the silence, you were about to go insane.
As the officer looks through the slidding door into your cell he informs you that you have **1 phone call** that you can use.
(The Cop opens the cell)
[[go to the phone]]One phone call
This is it, my way out of this nightmare of a situation.
Who Should I call?
[[My Lawyer]]
[[My Mother]]
[[The Police]]You punch in the number of the lawyer you got a little after you became a responsible member of society.
Telling you lawyer that he needs to get down to the police station he hurries to your location.
After a few hours of argueing with the police and on a disscussed date for the future you are allowed to leave the police Station.
[[Leave]]You call the only person you know that has given you sound advise for your entire life. Your mother answers the phone in a heartbeat. She has never been wrong in these types of situations and you know in your heart that she doesn't know everything, but damn it all if you have ever been able to prove that.
Your mother informs you to hand the officer the phone, which you do.
You can't make out what she is saying but it sounds loud and angry as the cop holds the phone farther away from his ear.
After a few moments he nods his head and informs you that your bail has been paid and you are free to go.
[[Leave]]Did...Did you actually just do that?
As you wait for a response, you hear a ringing from nearby when it suddenly stops and the phone is answered
"911, What is your emergancy?"
You tell the nice phone lady that the mean police officer is keeping you in a location without your permission.
She then informs you that this line is for energancies only.
The cop hears the conversation and hangs up the phone before you finish whatever you we're planning on doing, taking you back to your cell.
[[Oh Crap->Bad Ending]]You take your first step outside as a free man. But cant help but wonder what would have happened if you had done something differently in their. But its a fleeting thought as you begin your journy home.How could you have screwed up this badly?
One minuite you were waiting around in a police station, then the next you upgrade you comfy cell to a orange jumpsuit and are forced to share a room with some really muscular guy named tiny.
This wasn't supposed to end like this, you were just having fun!
But know ot will take at least 10-15 years for you to have fun again.
Maybe next time things will be different.Who the fuck does he think he is trying to boss you around? Does he even know who you think you are?!
You continue to hit the door with the might of Zues. Not noticing the pepper spray being pointed at you.
You then see nothing and are unable to do anything except be in pain.
[[Wait for the pain to stop]]You stop Banging on the door, the officer with one last angry stair closes the slidding pannel and you are left alone with your thoughts.
[[Wait Patiently]] You lay there, in more pain then you have felt since you tired to jump off the roof of your apartment into the pool back in college.
After what seems like an eternity you are finally able to regain some of your sinces.
The cop then informs you that because you have done everything in your power to try to make his life harder, hes going to make yours harder as well.
(He slams the pannel shut)
Looks like your wont be getting the phone call you heard about in all those movies.
[[Had to be a Dick->Bad Ending]]You walk up to the man and sit next to him.
His Eyes light up, this seems to be the first conversation in decades because the look on his face is of sheer excitement.
"Traviler! I see that you to have been captured by the evil vampires and there legion of darkness!"
You stare blankly, speachless.
How should you respond?
[[Walk Away]]
[[Humor Him]]You wait the usual time it takes for a normal person to sober up in the drunk tank.
Making sure to keep your distance form the strange man at the corner of the room.
After several hours the door opens and a police officer informs you that they are moving you to a cell.
[[Go to Cell]] You decide that you are not mentally prepared for whatever that man is throwing down and walk away slowly, retreating to the opposite corner of the room.
You wait patiently, fearing for whatever semblance of sanity you have left
[[Wait Until the Cop comes back]] You speak back to him in a kind of old english mixed with some nerdy stuff you used to know back when you played DnD.
The Strange Man is in love with the situation and after a few minuites he informs you of something spectacular.
"I have a way for you to escape! There is a few screws lose on the vent about our heads, If I givith the a boost you may be able to make your escape."
This could be your chance to escape this place forever, What should you do?
[[Reject The Deal]]
[[Try to Escape]]You tell the man that that is a great idea but for someone more bold, the crazy man shruggs and goes back to whatever he was doing in the corner.
[[Wait Until the Cop comes back]] With all of your might you atempt to pull off the vent to your freedom, as the crazy man holds your legs from underneith you.
You manage to pull the vent free and it lands to the floor with a thud, You climb in and reach for your comrade.
The crazy man shakes his head,
"This is where we part ways, I've known these walls for too long to leave them now, but I take Solice in knowing you made it out safe."
With a tear in your eye you turn and begin your escape.
[[Crawl forward]]You cant see a thing in this vent but suddenly your head hits a metal crossing.
There is a fork in the vent and without a way to see where you are, this is just a random guess.
So which way should you go?
[[Left]]You went with you instincts and headed right.
After a few moments of craeling you begin to see a light.
When aproching it however you hear a slight clicking and then a loud clank.
All of a sudden you are still in the vent, but the vent is now on the ground in the middle of the police station. Good Try bud.
[[You done Goofed->Bad Ending]]You managed to connect the dots and kinda figured out where you were in the police Station.
Knowing that you head left at the vent and crawl like your life depended on it.
Suddlenly you are hit again by another metal object, but this one feels different...
You push on it and it slightly budges exposing daylight. Which makes you push even harder and with a thud the vent falls to the ground outside the police station.
[[Escape]]You land on your feet and take a nice deep breath, your first as a free man. No one ever expected anyone to try to escape a police department so no cops are posted outside the building at the moment.
Truley you are one of a kind.